
April 6, 2012

It's {Good} Friday... Sunday's Coming!

Today I wanted to share a powerful video that I saw years ago at an Easter Sunday service we attended.  I watch it just about every year now.  The narration is a sermon given years ago by Pastor S.M. Lockridge and is combined with footage from The Passion of the Christ.   Remember to pause today to reflect and remember what took place on Good Friday.  

.... but remember Sunday's Coming!  
Have a Blessed and Happy Easter!  Hugs to all of you.

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  1. LOVE this! We always play it at my church for Easter as well!

  2. Happy Easter! Thank you for sharing the REAL meaning!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Thank you for sharing!! Happy Easter!

  4. Love this! Thank you for sharing the real message of Easter!

  5. Wow, I had never seen this before, it is fantastic. Thanks for reminding us all of the wonder of Easter! God bless you.

  6. wow. such a heart-wrenching video. never can we truly fathom what our Jesus did for us. thank you so much for sharing this.


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